I've been developing an Android app for a specific model of a handheld barcode scanner (almost 3 months) for our customers.. We are finally going live with this application so my boss ordered a new batch of devices. Bought the newer, fancier model instead of our test/dev model...

*Fatal error galore, different storage type, different barcode reader, deprecated functions,..*

Oooh the joys..
(Needs to be finished by tomorrow)

  • 1
    Someone did this with me once. I always build device recognition into my work, so trying to make it work with anything that my application isn't designed for is hopeless. This way you don't get any unexpected behaviour.

    I'd do this, and when it doesn't work, quote extra for the re-work time. That way you get time to breathe, do it right, and make some extra money.
  • 0
    @monr0e I do exactly the same. I know it sounds very limited, but honestly its the way to go to avoid multiple headaches
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