
Raspberry Pi just joined my "useless items" list. Anyone want to try and change my mind? :P

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    We got around 200 out in the field gathering data from several types of meters Energy/Gas/Water. They are a big money saver for us.

    Apart from that there are lots of things you can do with them. ^^ From interactive mirrors to media servers.
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    @aronmik Some of my friends are starting to buy them, but is it really useful for non-business matters? I mean, is it worth?
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    @d3vcho depends on what you want to do with them.

    If you like to tinker with things, for example home automation. With things like voice control it can be a lot of fun. I once automated watering the herbs in my kitchen.

    But I would suggest first finding a project that you would like to do with it. Because if you just buy it without some kind of idea its just a slow computer ^^. Not much fun in that.
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    get a wifi dongle, kali linux, some power banks and you have a nice, small and cheap rogue accesspoint you can bring in your backpack and run w/o a wallsocket.

    Ssh into it from your phone ;)

    Or just put kodi on it
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    I made a fermenter for my beer brewing with mine xD take up home brewing
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    You can use break it half and use it as a weapon
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    @Aptget Even in prison that would be a bad weapon 😂
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