  • 19
    Can we just keep the fanboyism outside DevRant?
  • 4
    Get over it fanboy. Sheesh, "snowflakes"
  • 1
    *tired sigh*
  • 1
    Ohhhhh fuck off
  • 0
    I can't even imagine a developer who is more comfortable with windows or mac. sudo apt install anything and it's up and running.
    It takes long time to install and configure mongoDB postgresql docker and other tools on windows
  • 1
    You want to "tank" someone because they hate linux? What changes in your world because someone else hates linux? 🙃
  • 1
    @beardia well mac's cool. With native bash support.. as its on FreeBSD.... but yeah... Wndows sucks....
  • 0
    As much as I want to install Linux, it's also my main device for softwares and gaming
  • 0
    Linux hates you
  • 0
    Well... You hate Linux...
  • 0
    @beardia what was that stream of shit coming out of you mouth?
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