
Dude at work floats the idea of creating separate Github accounts for personal and work for security. My response:

While we're discussing options, we should also consider maintaining a list of users as a CSV^H^H^H MS Excel file, and install an authentication server that runs off the laptop of an "IT Administrator". That way it'll be super secure because hackers cannot access any system outside of working hours, as well as the days that said admin is off from work.

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    my *life* is a dev rant!
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    @DLMousey nah DGAF 'bout the contrib numbers - it's the sheer lunacy of having to log in and log out just to get shit done that irks me


    - you can push/ pull from github remotes using ssh keys anyway, the github account is merely for the github.com webpages
    - entire git repos are completely checked out locally on devices that you're working from
    - you can set up per organisation notification email routin
    - you can set up 2FA and mandate everyone in an organisation uses it
    - it is trivially easy for an admin to remove any user from an organisation
    - an individual creating more than one account violates github's own TOS
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