
This drawing was commented on my PR to explain the flow of a bug I need to fix, what da fuck does this means. I already told him to use a mock up tool like Adobe XD or some shit like that. Dudes answer's was "It's easier for me just to draw it"

  • 2
    The very moment I looked at this I thought the same thing
  • 5
    “It’s easier for me to punch your face, but I’m not doing that”
  • 7
    Provide a hand drawing of your "solution" and ask them if they will review it to determine if it will work.

    If they just come off with yes, you have free reign to do whatever the fuck you want to do because, "this guy said it would work".
  • 1
    @petergriffin Beat me to it.
  • 1
    Make him use PlantUML!
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  • 3
    Please - if you draw for yourself, it's fine.

    But don't hand it out to other people like that, cause it will only generate a fuckton of confusion and waste of time.
  • 3
    Drawing is fine , if you don’t do it like a 2 year old
  • 0
    @MoistGrass as long as there is a properly working extension for VSCode or your IDE of choice 👍 Declarative, concise and portable!
    I found it quite convenient than diagrams.net/draw.io: more VCS-friendly, less opinionated design, takes only few keystrokes to change.
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    @vintprox I’m using jetbeans products. Specially phpstorm (yes I’m on of those PHP people)
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    @MoistGrass times pass and I'm already neutral to "that PHP guy". The objective is to keep process straightforward: noone will love manually activating PlantUML server on load or dirty their autoload just for reading/writing diagrams. It's one of those things that are better done under the wraps 😎
  • 0
    Looks like a jelly fish.
    Or a male/female ganitelya ...
    Sorry got confused for rorchach...
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