
Started freelancing on PeoplePerHour and I'm already doing damned well after a fortnight. C# was the right language to learn.

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    Teach me your ways, senpai.
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    @theOverseer I barely know myself!
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    @monr0e But you know more than I possibly could... master!
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    @theOverseer if you want to learn C# I recommend the Head First series. That's how I taught myself, I was building little apps on my own after a month or two.
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    @monr0e Cool, I'll check them out. Thanks for the advice!
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    Could you define "damned well"? I am currently working for minimum wage so I need to explore more options.
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    @tmux "Damned well" implies that I made £400 in my first fortnight, and that I got seven five star reviews. I'm told that people start off on PPH making anything from £50 to £1000 in their first month, at least according to the odd forum I've checked out.
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    @tmux in my opinion, I'd start doing this sort of freelancing as an addition to what you already do, until you build up a reputation and start making more money. The first project I completed probably paid me in the region of £2 per hour, so its all cumulative.
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    Is it possible to do this even with a FT job? How many hours do you put in for each project?
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    @allanx2000 I'm making this full-time for myself, because I got laid off. I'm being supported until this becomes a worthwhile career by my country's welfare system, but I've put ~60 hours into this so far. That includes my research time, but I'd be lying if I said this was a career yet. What I'm getting at is that I have done fairly well in terms of income thus far, and I'm looking to be self-sustained in around two months time.
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    @monr0e Sorry to hear that but good luck!

    For me, I just like coding (non-web) so wondering if I can do like a weekend side-gig, maybe build up some rep. as a developer and learn some new stuff... cuz current job is pretty boring TBH...
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    @allanx2000 Most of the stuff I've done is pretty independent of web, so I wouldn't judge freelancing too harshly yet. Gently building up a reputation is a good way to start, but remember that at first, you're probably not going to make very much for the time invested. It's all about building up a profile.
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    @monr0e I invest a lot of time on my own hobby projects, I just spent 3hrs today on it...

    I'm not really interested for the money, more just to build a marketable reputation and work on interesting small projects.

    Maybe I'm being too idealistic though...
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    @allanx2000 Are your hobby projects relevant to the modern market?
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    @monr0e No idea, don't really know the market for C# freelancing, will check out the site I guess some time this week, but got a few other things going at the moment, not really sure when I will seriously start.
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    @allanx2000 Aight, think about what modern industry needs. For example, I'm building an entirely self-sufficient HR application that supports banking. This would be useful for small to medium enterprises, because I'm charging cut-rate for it.

    You're experienced in both MEAN and Android development, why not think about something that integrates employee rewards with public corporate profiles? That'll give you something to stick on your portfolio and start bringing in other clients.
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    @monr0e my Android and MEAN skills (and I'm general) are more backend focused though. I can't do design, making things look pretty.
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    @monr0e minimum wage in my country is around what you made in a fortnight. Thank you for your answer.
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