
Just spent 30 mins vertically centering a damn image in a two-column Bootstrap row. Yeah, flexbox is great unless you want to stack the columns at mobile screen size like they do with Bootstrap normally. Then everything breaks and the original ugly hack just gets replaced by a slightly lesser evil.

I really hope that we sort this out somehow before colonising Mars.

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    I hope that will be offically suported by the browsers soon.
  • 1
    I never use bootstrap!
    It's like the catalogue that comes with new smartphones. Never use it!
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    Would you like to share your solution? The last time I had this issue, (I'm not a frontend dev), I got so frustrated, I've written a JS plugin to help centering it which will calculate once on page load and then on each resize (kind of a hacky solution, I'm not proud of, but hey it works!)
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    @pascalwacker I'm sorry, I just gave up eventually as I was fed up with hacking my way around. Hopefully this won't be such pain in the next Bootstrap release.
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    @Baxos I feel you!
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