
Have you fallen in love with a language? If you have, tell use why

  • 2
    @JerreMuesli it was Java for me too. The verbosity of it makes everything so clear and easy to understand especially when I was beginning to learn programming. I probably wouldn't be a programmer if I started with Javascript, even though I'm using Javascript everywhere right now.
  • 2
    Julia... Maybe it's the girls name or that fact it's so fast 😏
  • 1
    For me it was (and still is) PHP. I found it pretty easy to use but not too easy. By now I can easily program in php without having to lookup stuff online anymore (after about four years) and that's what I mostly love about it.
  • 0
    I think Java but not at first, when I revealed the advanced features (source code generation, inspection and reflection). I realized that this pile of redundant code is actually more powerful than I could've imagine.
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