I try to get into vim /neovim
Any useful vim dotfiles repos so that i dont have to configure all on my own?

  • 4
    Getting into vim is not that hard, quitting it is the real problem ;)
  • 1
    Be careful using someone else vimrc, you end up polluted with functionalities you don't know what they are, and you fear customizing the vimrc because you don't understand it :)
  • 1
    The one I know is called spf13. But the vimrc is insanely huge...
  • 1
    +1 on @willol suggestion : you should start from blank, and dig around.
    A vim configuration is really personal, you can take inspiration from others but if you copy, you risk to end up with something overkill, slow or buggy.

    If you want some inspiration, mine are on GitHub : leny/pwenvim
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