
Client: So we want you to redesign the frontend for this app

Me: Ok, sounds easy enough, send me the source code and API documentation

Client: yeaaaaaah, here's the thing, we don't have the frontend source code anymore, we originally wrote it in React and then we lost the source code, we only have the bundles now

Me: ok fine, I can handle it, can I have the API doc?

Client: yeaaaaaah, here's the thing, we didn't write API docs, but we have the source code if you want

Me: fml

  • 8
    Yeaaaah bye bye🖐
  • 4
    That reminds me, I need to write API docs after this next release. The app isn't complex and the code is relatively clean, but the next guy who looks at it may be a frontend dev who doesn't know backend and doesn't want to learn it for one gig.
  • 0
    Here is the thing they can write the docs while you go trough the bundles. At least they can write up the openapi spec
  • 0
  • 0
    Damn, that’s crazy!
    good luck with all that.
  • 0
    Client: yeaaaaaah and you only have 3 weeks to complete it.
  • 0
    Here’s the thing.........
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