Is Ubuntu have different timezones with Windows?
Always need to adjust time after switching.
*Is it just me?

  • 8
    Glad to know i am not the only one! I had the same issue and ranted it here last month. Finally, i ditched ubuntu because of this issue and random mounting issues with local disk when on ubuntu.

    Other distros was of no help either. :/
  • 18
    Windows is to blame here, it stores not utc, but local time
  • 6
    For me it's vice versa. Windows 7 shows the wrong time 90% of the time. Sometimes it randomly shows the correct time.
  • 5
    That is what I mean, it assumes, that local time is in RTC, and decides to just show it. But ubuntu puts UTC there
  • 5
    I've decided to just roll with it (Win10 + Ubuntu dual boot). Then again, I've been mostly just working in Ubuntu for the past two weeks.
  • 1
    So no solution yet. 😂
  • 1
    @frdinawan Hahaha, sadly no. Or you could get another laptop for Ubuntu.
  • 10
    Oh man dudes! I was too late. I commented the solution on devrant 2 times already. There is a registry value in windoofs which tells it how to interpret the RTC. It's local time by default -.- And i think it makes more sense to force windows to UTC and not force linux to use local time.
  • 4
    I wonder why none of you checked askubuntu. I was having the same issue. But there is a solution for it
    As @darksideplease said windows stores local time while Ubuntu uses UTC time
  • 2
    How do I never have any of these problems the devs here have? If you guys ever want me to setup your computer for you let me know :p
  • 6
    @ScribeOfGoD most of them are emphasizing their small problems in order to get points. Trust me, it works, i did it too.
  • 1
    @darksideplease I'm just here so I don't get fined.
  • 0
    @ujjwal96 dammit, forgot to check askubuntu, cause rant comes up first in my mind. 😅
  • 10
    According to Raymond Chen of MS, the reason Windows sets the BIOS clock to local time, is that users would otherwise get confused if they set the time in BIOS and then see another time in Windows.

    But who the hell sets the time in BIOS instead of in Windows? These days, plebs have never even seen a BIOS setup screen.

    So, MS tries to solve a non existing problem by creating a real problem. This is so utterly stupid, it defies belief. Local time shouldn't be used anywhere except in presentation layers.
  • 0
    If you are using Ubuntu 16.04 or newer try this command "timedatectl set-local-rtc 1". Then refresh time in Windows. Worked for me (using dualboot Win10 and Ubuntu)
  • 2
    @Grumpy explain it like a boss 👍 nice
  • 3
    @mgabriska this is really really really not recommended.
  • 0
    @darksideplease can you please explain why its not recommended?thank you
  • 1
  • 3
    @mgabriska well read the other comments. Especially the one by @Grumpy.
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