
I have never been in a dev company , though I am programming now for 6 years. Started to freelance last year as android dev, making good money. Company Head Hunter called me yesterday Offering me a 60k € salary as employee. Told him : sorry, Its not that convenient for me (I Prefer to stay independent, even though it sounded very charming)...later that day he contacted me and Offered 90-100k as entry.. Wow.. I didnt even finish my degree yet and I get Offered that much. Android ftw!

23 years old and from Germany btw

  • 25
    Okay ill go cry now
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    Good job dude. Which platform do you use to freelance?
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    @HoloDreamer used to work on freelancer.com for a year while I was in another country. But now I only work with local companies
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    @iceman guide us to do what you did, senpai
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    I think you need to be lucky.. I'm 17 right now, did some freelancing and already had a job..

    Now I'm looking for a new job, but I don't want to work in a supermarket like the rest of my friends..😅

    Point is: Make yourself knowable among other people, companies in your branch. If people see what your qualities are and they need that, they'll try and hire you.
  • 1
    @theOverseer @core @RedSnapper me four 😥 dude it's really rough when you're in a country where IT isn't developed enough and where companies are only looking for coders and not for programmers, the big projects always goes to other companies or foreign countries... Sometimes it's really hard to keep going..
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    @Jappe you are 17 buddy, you have so many opportunies a head of you that you should not be thinking about working in a super market
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    @AnirudhKonduru I was freelancing via Internet before I started to work with locals, sooner or later I had couple of clients at the same time and I had to Filter the Lowest paying ones out..What happened is that suddenly everybody started to offer a higher rate. And I think I got lucky with picking Android as my speciality, the demand is high right now
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    @iceman I wanna start freelancing on the internet now, but I always feel like I don't know enough to do anything, and hardly find time either cause I'm a sophomore at college and it keeps me busy :/
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