Do not buy Hostinger... They are so aggressive with caching that I ran out of devices to test the features. They probably cache based on userAgent because changing other parameters (IP, local cache) doesn't resolve the issue. I talked to tech support whole day, and although they were helpful few times I just got three same answers for the three different questions. Seriously, the only thing I like about Hostinger is their user friendly UI.

The rant goes on. I can basically DoS my website by clicking fast on it. That shit doesn't happen with some free hosting plans... My site goes down for a few minutes before I can visit it again.


Using the file manager is tedious work as you get randomly disconnected after less than few minutes of inactivity.

I might seriously switch to Google's Cloud Console. It is more expensive, you have to do all the hosting config yourself using a virtual machine, but I guess it's more reliable and it gives you a lot more control.

  • 4
    3 same answers means support answers are also CACHED.
  • 1
    If you are using freehosting you just have to use cdn to make it much more stable
  • 1
    Cloudflare + Hetzner = basically invincible site
  • 0
    @Litbelb I've tried Hetzner recently and I also was pretty satisfied with them. It doesn't have such a nice UI as DigitalOcean, but I could run 8 or so containers on the same VM without running out of memory. So their cheap options are pretty solid, while DigitalOcean and Vultr (I've looked at those as well) don't provide cheap VMs with good memory setup.
  • 1
    @Lasoloz I've tried Vultr, and I used it for about a year, but it just couldn't stand up to Hetzner
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