
How can I learn css and javascript quickly and remember html every tag and attribute?
Plz give me your opinion.

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    How do you get to Carnegie Hall?

    (In case you missed the joke: Carnegie Hall is a quite famous concert venue in New York. The joke:
    A tourist as bought a concert ticket but doesn't know where it is. So he asks a street musician: "How do In get to Carnegie Hall?" And the musician answers: "Practice, Practice, Practice".)

    Joking aside, this is what you have to do - do projects, and and learn by practising. And get the idea out of your head to know every tag and attribute - while you will learn the most common ones automatically, there is no point to know everything. Even professionals don't do that!
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    Start with HTML and some CSS amd only then add a sprinkle of JS where it is really necessary.
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    Print out giant cheat sheets and memorise them.

    Or... you know, don't try and fake it to you make it when you have absolutely no idea.
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    nobody has to remember every tag and attribute, neither every CSS property, you can take reference.
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