
One of my problems as a dev are the numerous conflicting comments made by managers, and qa, they both want different things. On a similar project.........

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    Make them fight it out
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    Honestly today my task was: “correct a design error you made since I didn’t give you the design.”

    Some people should just be fired
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    @piratefox omggggggg hardest part is you know that this could happened and they will still pin the blame on you
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    @DevRage they told me I was paranoid for taking screenshot of idiotic requests… even as a freelancer you have to deal with people trying to micromanage or blame it on you, I swear, if they weren’t paying well I’d go to their office and shit on their desk.

    And it’s hard not to do despise the good pay
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    Its always about the goodpay that we stay on situations like this, i think its a common problem that there are a lot of "conflicts" with how projects are being handled specially on project management
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    @DevRage for me the hard part is that I have actually been in an awesome team which got f-d up by marketing & too high expectations… god I miss those guys
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    @piratefox yah may team was very cool back then, but then the standards for deliverables where unreal then everyone became too stressed.
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