
Fucking wix advertisements! Getting real tired of the "want a website? Why not make it yourself?" ads. You're already logging all my fucking google searches to display relevant ad info so maybe wrap your head around the fact that I'm a web dev and make my own fucking sites??

  • 7
    Most people don't know what 'www' stands for 🙄
  • 9
    I always roll my eyes at their commercials. "Why not make it yourself?" I *do*.
  • 4
    Wix is the 7-Eleven of website builders. It's everywhere.
  • 3
    That wix shit is soo annoying, I second that wholeheartedly!
  • 0
    "Websites" are hardly that any more, more online Apps and Services, Services like Wix are a complete waste of money and space.
  • 0
    @Damgecontrol It stands for

    Want Wix Website!

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