
Lol these dumbasses actually think I'm smart. They have no idea that I just always have the same problem the day before them and I found an answer just before they ask me.

  • 4
    I will always believe (but never admit to my coworkers) that my finely-honed google-fu is the most vital skill I will ever have as a developer. My coworkers think I'm a genius but in reality I just know how to search for the right words to get the answer to my question.
  • 1
    @EmberQuill and why are you able to do that.
  • 1
    @minsomai practice. I did two years of IT support before moving into the dev field. The most vital skill any IT support technician can have is the ability to search right the right key words.
  • 0
    @EmberQuill technically you've two years head start. experience.
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