
Fucking love unpaid overtime every week! Please give me more! I am definitely doing fine mentally...

  • 4
    Sounds definitely legal
  • 1
    @electrineer it is where I live unfortunately. If it isn't specified in the contract, the employer doesn't have to pay overtime.
  • 2
    @Redd do you have to agree to working overtime? Could you tell where this is so we know not to work there.
  • 6
    @electrineer well, I could probably say no, but my residence permit is tied to my employment. I'm going to be quitting as soon as I find another job so I'm just enduring it until then. Can't give a company name but I'm located in a country that starts with G and ends with Y in Europe.
  • 1
    Just do passable grunt work. Use your VLs and SLs. Your health is more important than your job.
  • 0
    Relax take a breath and keep the shotgun clean lol
  • 0
    Or spend every moment you’re not sleeping getting lap dances and drinking lol gotta remind yourself what you’re working for
    Ask for Veronica amber or autumn
    They’re the top of the line models usually and very touchy-feely lol
  • 0
    Unless you likem guys lol
  • 0
    I work in one of the very few companies in my Country where they actually pay for your overtime (:
  • 4
    "The employer doesn't pay overtime" by law of the mysterious county in question means the employee doesn't have to do overtime. I can post links in the mythical language to confirm this statement if need be. If your employer is pressuring you into compliance, then this is straight up illegal.

    That being said - your position is absolutely understandable. Too much on the table for you to torpedoe over some extra hours.

    If it's any consolation - you are doing the right thing. Find another company, sign a contract, then hand in the notice and serve a potential notice period.

    There are companies in that country that care for their employees. Don't get discouraged if the next one isn't great either, just keep looking until you find a good one. They do exist and are plenty, but there is a lot of bad employers as well.
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