I hate web development, I didn’t study CS to make web sites, I like learning new things but when web development is involved and especially certain libraries and frameworks, it seems that I always have to learn again the same thing with a different flavor and I feel stuck in the same place… and at the end of the day it is always form this, validate that, download those AARGH!!

Maybe it is just a bad day

  • 1
    Choose a framework and stay with it, life will be better
  • 2
    Don't do it then. Simple.
  • 1
    I was hired as native iOS developer.
    Until now (less than a year) I had to make projects in React+Redux+MaterialUI, Gatsby, Angular, backends in C#, hand fixing bad SQL databases, a sprinkle of PHP and now I was asked to modify a project in Ionic because the company to whom they outsourced took a 2 weeks vacation… And sometimes I have to maintain a poorly written iOS app where CoreData suffers because a genius decided to implant handwritten SQLite because he had no time to study the proper way…

    I would love to stick to one framework, really!
  • 2
    It isn't just a bad day.
    GUIs have become the most complex and finicky thing to make. And web dev is all about GUIs.
  • 1
    Web dev and GUI sucks

    Become an embedded dev today! We have
    - super old code
    - even older programming languages
    - no GUIs, our user interfaces are terminals and network APIs
  • 0
    @LotsOfCaffeine And if all goes to hell you can just install Internet Explorer on the embedded machine and go back to Javascript!
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