Duh. I'm really torn right now. I'm still wasting my time in this garbage college, and my patience is sooo running out. I can easily get a job by now and actually learn things, but there's just a few months left until I graduate. The worst few months. Should I just screw it or endure a bit more? 🤔

  • 1
    Do you want get money or MONEY? I dunno, it's your choice.
  • 0
    @darksideplease please, I already can make like 10x more per hour than anyone else in my family :P It won't matter anyway at this point
  • 2
    @AlmightyBaka ok, then the next question: do you want to have a title in front of (or after) your name?
  • 0
    @darksideplease depends on what kind of title it is :P Having "PhD" in it would be cool though, maybe.
  • 1
    @AlmightyBaka -.- the title of the degree you are pursuing currently.
  • 0
    @darksideplease that's the thing, I don't think there's even any lol
  • 2
    @AlmightyBaka ok, then you have your answer: if you really don't care about any aspect of this degree, you can stop it and start working right away. But note that your social circumstances will change as soon as you leave college and work regularly.
  • 0
    @darksideplease yeeeeah, I would have done that a long time ago, but then there's my parents that are obviously against this :/
  • 2
    @AlmightyBaka how about getting a job first, making a little bit of money and then quitting college. When they rage you slap em with your paycheck.
  • 0
    @darksideplease but then I would completely stop attending college (which I basically already do, spending time to educate myself instead (the irony)) :P I should, yeah, I started doing some small freelance gigs lately, actually.
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    @AlmightyBaka well, you will know it when the time has come to quit.
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    @darksideplease I guess, thanks. On a side note, how come I see your name almost every time I go wasting my time on devRant? :D
  • 2
    @AlmightyBaka :D I'm wasting too much time here too. It's an addiction. Reddit, imgur, 9gag - all shit.
  • 1
    @darksideplease @dfox FIX THIS CRITICAL APP BUG
  • 4
    You wasted few years in college and now only few months away you want to make sure these years were 100% wasted by not even getting a degree???
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  • 2
    Endure it. You've invested this much into it already; it wouldn't make sense to throw it all away for naught.
  • 1
    Holy coincidence, Batman! This is exactly the problem I've been dealing with for the last several months. Going back and forth between "I should keep going" and "fuck school" every five minutes gets exhausting lol.
  • 1
    Because if it's now that you're seriously on the edge of bailing that there is the self-sabotage monster. The task is not the course anymore it's being 'Zen' (whatever that means), handling boredom, bullshit and more so as to win.
  • 1
    @sergggio @Koolstr yeah, I guess I'll have to, I was nearly raging when I posted this rant :P But like I said, by this point I will gain nearly nothing from getting that paper, meh.
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    @Adamu yup, that's one of the very very few things it taught to me. There was so much bs going on around in all the years, there's no way I would have survived it all without going crazy if I cared about every bit of it lol
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