Darn, it did it again! Emptied one of my files. The only reason I bother to use NPP is that the alternatives are even worse.

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    Whats the alternative youre referring to?
  • 2
    You should consider switching to Brackets, or even better... Atom.
  • 0
    @nabil6131 Eclipse and Aptana. OK, I'm aware that the latter derives from the former :)
  • 1
    Had a look at Brackets's web site - or at least tried, and it said: "The owner of brackets.io has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.The owner of brackets.io has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.
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    @aayusharyan Atom looks great at a first glance. I'll definitely give this one a go. Thanks for the tip! :)
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    @TerriToniAX i use sublimeText for lightweight text editing. Works great for me.
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    @TerriToniAX Might be some issue with the website though
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    @aayusharyan Installed Atom and it does indeed look good at a first glance with a friendly welcome guide to get you started. But the user-friendliness ends when it comes to setting up an FTP browser. There are like zillions (OK, I'm exaggerating just a tad) of different plugins (whereas NPP just had one), and so far I haven't manage to get any of them up and running. No, Atom is far too cumbersome and provides an ununified user experience. It's like a source code counterpart of some heavily third-party dependant CMS, like Wordpress.
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    @aayusharyan Yes, it must have been a temporary issue with Brackets's web site, like you said. I managed to reach it now :)
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    Brackets looks good too, but nothing works. "Internal error" when trying to install any plugin. No, Notepad++ sucks, but I'll stick to it till there is a convincing and free alternative.
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    @TerriToniAX try brackets, it's way simplified than Atom
  • 1
    @aayusharyan Already did, but nothing works. "Internal error" when trying to install any plugin. No, Notepad++ sucks, but I'll stick to it till there is a convincing and free alternative.
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