So my company is hiring only amateur developers, Including me.So that they can save on budget . So we have no one to guide us and ambitious deadlines are set .

  • 22
    Sounds like we can look forward to some good rants. Good luck!
  • 8
    On the brighter side, most of you guys will be friends forever - pressure has a way of bonding people, especially of the same age group 👍
  • 4
    This was my first job. My only advice is to not stay too long. Get a year or two under your belt and find somewhere with people you can learn from. It's ridiculous how much difference it makes
  • 0
    @linux-colonel you, i have a question. I am currently 2 years in. I got my permanent contract (basically it hard to fire anyone after this happens in my country) so i am sitting solid. Job isn't too bad, making games and apps. But the pay is rather low (300€ less then the low average of the country/education but still 200€ above minimum wage)
    But in programming sense i am the most knowledgeable on my team, and all i do is teach myself on the internet. (c# btw)

    I can go anywhere else, get a normal programming job, have to deal with probably less store submition shite and non programming related nonsense, get 300€ raise as a minimum. And probably get more experienced people above me to learn more/better.

    Is it worth it? I would probably be bored to death if it is a crappy software pack i get to work on, but still.
  • 3
    I'm pretty sure I've been in your exact situation. I was the best dev in my first job (they made me lead with only a couple years' experience), but I knew I didn't know enough.

    For me, reading up by myself was fine to a point, but how could I read about stuff I didn't know existed? That was what made me get out of my comfort zone and find a new job. Sadly, the next job sucked and I left that quickly. I'm now in a place where I'm surrounded by people who are far more experienced than me, and I couldn't be happier. Sure, I feel like I don't belong there sometimes, but that's just normal insecurities when going from the top to the bottom.

    When I think back to when I left my first job, I can't imagine how I would know what I do now, if I hadn't left.

    For me, it was definitely worth leaving.
  • 0
    @linux-colonel i have issues that i know there are thing i want to learn and properly use. But simple games rarely call for any of them so i am not getting the experience with my theory teaching (and after work hours i have little energy to pursuit any side projects even though i want to)

    What is it you learned that you didn't at your old job? Anything coherent you can list? Any skills besides programming alone? (Managing, refactoring properly, unit tests?)
  • 1
    I'll list a few things, but I'll probably miss out loads!

    Servlet Containers
    RESTful webservice design
    Micro services architecture
    Web development (unfortunately :P)

    They're the main things I can remember.

    Oh, I did also learn how not to build an application from my second company. That's a very valuable lesson to learn
  • 1
    Sounds like a tpyical Management strategy from a company that under values its IT assets.

    Good luck getting shat on there!
  • 1
    @linux-colonel that last one is more important than we give it credit. Recognizing a badly coded application is half of the learning.

    I really need to consider going for a real company with more boring app but learning and earning more.
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