
Can people help me please,
Which one is better Android development (Android studio) or IOS development (Xcode)

I learned a bit of both(still a beginner) and here is what i think so far
-Android is more wide spread and is more flexible also i have an Android device (testing)
-IOS development is really fun and intuitive and more money is paid to developers because not everyone has a mac in my country.

-Android studio is messy and java is really dull imo
-IOS requires a developer account which is really expensive in my country.

Any help is much appreciated even if it is a personal opinion

  • 6
    Can you help me? Which is better:
    Banana or pear?
  • 3
    Learn both. Both are great.
  • 2
    @filthyranter idk. clearly i don't have the best judgement nor do i have any experience selling them.
  • 2
    Android Studio
  • 1
    @BrianValente but isn't this a waste of time? I know they have some common concepts but iam still a college student so i don't have that much time
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    @Gatgeagent can you explain why, please?
  • 3
    @Judgeme I know advanced Android development and I'm now starting learning Swift (for macOS and iOS). I don't think that is a waste of time, I love learning languages and developing for different platforms. Don't learn thinking on money, learn what you like more. If you like both, learn both. If you don't have a Mac, build a Hackintosh.
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    As a freelance iOS developer myself, learn both. There are much more opportunities for a mobile dev than there are for an iOS or android dev. I stuck with iOS simply for size classes.
  • 2
    It's not like android will die out in one year. Java isn't hard, androids concepts are really easy to understand (thanks to Google and their love to details and perfection). As you already said, more audience, more potential money outcome. Bering an iOS developer has its benefits too, but you need to buy the equipment first. Macbooks aren't cheap and you can only develop on those. Same goes for the yearly fee needed to publish apps on the store.
    You Already said that the license is super expensive in your country. Then just drop the idea of being a swift developer for now and focus on Android :D
  • 1
    Get a MacBook Pro,
    Get an android phone

    Download android studio
    Learn Java
    Learn kotlin
    Test you code with the phone. emulator is not bad nowadays, but I still prefer the actual device

    Use xCode
    Learn swift
    And then learn objective C
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