VS Code is a horror. Every other editor I just picked up and it ran. VS errors out on obscure demands again and again and again. I don't want to spend time learning this POS when I'm learning Julia. What's horrible is Julia developers, such as in Juno are abandoning their own editors to go to VS Code, which is antithetical to the whole idea of Julia - to a be easy to use and replace multiple languages. They abandoned Juno for a hard to use editor whose only feature is multiple languages.

  • 0
    Not sure why VSCode is supposed to be better for using Julia. I mean you can just write the code in any editor and run it like with any other language.

    The only difference is that Julia takes a fucking eternity to start up, which is why I mostly experimented with it using Jupyter notebooks.
  • 2
    Vscode is easy to use and replaces multiple editors
  • 0
    @electrineer same is true for a ton of editors tho...
  • 2
    I've literally never had an issue with VS Code beyond it being slow for very (very) large files and I use it everywhere from a workstation to remotely on a server to my Mac. Not sure how you managed to get it to error out. What errors do you get? Did you check logs?
  • 1
    I hear Kate is good. But it looks like Windows Three Point One.
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