WARNING: Cringe stuff ahead

And now this happens

A dude who posts spams on LinkedIn and shits on people publicly, made yet another garbage post (which was copied too).

Ref. picture attached in the post.

That went viral on Reddit and I made a comment that I know this guy, have spoken to him, and he made me go bonkers.

Now, he runs a community on Slack that I am part of. I open Slack today and see a message from him where is being sarcastic on how hateful I was.

Ref. picture in comments.

What kind of hypocrite someone could be when they shit on others but when called out, get hurt.

No one says anything to my dev friends.

  • 15
    And he got pissed. LOL
  • 4
    He is stalking me. Damn!
  • 4
    Byju’s ke lund se aur kya hi expect kar sakte hain.

    (What else can we expect from a Byju’s dick.)
  • 6
    The typical: I can do whatever I want to whomever I want - but don't they dare to do the same to me.
  • 4
    What a dick.
  • 2
    Naw. You hurt his ittybitty feelings. 🥺
  • 6
    Almost all bullies are insecure and lash out on anyone doing to them what they do to others.

    Often the insecurity is the driving force behind their bullying as its their way to try to feel superior.

    It rarely works out long term.
  • 2
    Imagine having internet levels of attitude and cringe on slack -_-
  • 2
    I would remove his name sonce it is a name&shame.
  • 2
    Sounds like a retard - do you still work there?
  • 2
    @besnn work where?
  • 2
    @Floydimus you dont work with the guy?
  • 2
    @besnn I nowhere mentioned I work with that guy.
  • 2
    Hmm nice. I think this Byju guy was expecting support instead he got insults...lol
  • 2
    He works at Byjus! What else do you expect from him 😝
    Honestly, I'd never work for Byjus knowing how they rob poor gullible parents off their money.
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