
What the FUCK is wrong with people!!!??
If you need to use !important in your CSS.... STOP and just don't.

It should be very clear that if the need arises to use !important then you are either really shit at CSS and don't understand the concept or you are a lazy mother fucker.

I'm so fucking sick of dealing with other so called "developers" shit code and have to spend time I don't have fixing their shit.

There is absolutely no reason to use
!important and to anyone that thinks to be a smartarse and let me know of their shit reasons... just don't because there aren't any.

  • 3
    I assign myself to the "lazy motherfucker" category.
  • 2
    @spongessuck I'm in the mother fucker category but have the precursor of bad before it :p lol
  • 3
    Ok will put this on important for now, will change this later.
  • 5
    I use it semi-rarely... almost always for overriding someone else's shitty overly-general CSS that I have no direct control over.
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