
How did Postman go from being one of the most loved developer tools to one of the worst crap I've ever used?

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    Parasitizing on the market.
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    Because the gods gave us Insomnia instead.
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    Money and zero oversight.

    Source: I drink and I know things.
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    I use Insomnia. Intuitive to use. No bloat.
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    agreed :(
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    @jasongodev can team work in that ? I wanted to share api with 4-5 people but postman is allowing only 3
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    @rox79 it does have a paid team at $12/user.

    Otherwise export the collections and push it to GitHub to bypass the pricing model, not a recommendation - I love this thing!

    You can import postman scripts but it's usually cleaner to remake them.

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    @C0D4 I tried insomania,, for team this is also paid. Github is good suggestion
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    @rox79 I didn't understand how can you use github. Do you mean to version the project folder with git?
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