
Haha perfect contradiction

  • 4
    The algorithm is trolling you.
  • 5
    @YousifMansour it's a bug in the matrix
  • 1
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  • 0
    Not really a contradiction, reinventing the wheel is fine as long as you do it for your own sake, If you do it for your boss then it is most likely a waste of time/money and if you do it to create yet another opensource wheel then your time might be better spent contributing to one of the existing wheels.
  • 3
    @omomthings, I'm probably stupid for asking but, how are you not on the dark side?
  • 1
    @A-0-C I just found the dark side and, by extension, just understood your comment, so I'm the stupidest one here I guess
  • 1
    Start using it? 😄
  • 0
    @A-0-C definitely
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