Ever lose a laptop? I did. 13 days ago. at the airport in security. left it behind because I had two with me, which I don’t usually do. i just realized YESTERDAY that it was missing. someone come to my house and shoot me. because i’m too stoopid to live.

  • 4
    Having a laptop 13 years ago was a big deal.

    Having two was even bigger.

    Losing it and remember after 13 years is the biggest.
  • 3
    since you said you left it at security, isn't there a way to reach back to them?
  • 8
    @Floydimus damn, I also read 13 years 😂 but it‘s days
  • 4
    @mojo2012 holy fuck! If you hadn't pointed this out, I wouldn't have realised the goof up I did.

  • 1
    @ilechuks73 yes. i “filled out the form”. i get to wait 5 days it’ll supposedly take for “Phil” or whoever to go to the lost and found room and look for it. but my mental picture of what has happened to it is that some TSA person purloined it and now it’s his kid’s new toy. that or they sold it to a drug lord.
  • 1
    @mojo2012 wtf I've read years, too
  • 2
    Get over it. It was 13 centuries ago and you should really focus on our fight against the Lycans instead!
  • 3
    I FOUND IT! It was camouflaged next to an old 1995 combo stereo system on a desk. I had set it on its end leaning up against the side of the stereo and the black sleeve it was in blended right in with the body of the stereo behind it. Guess it's time to clean up around here.
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