
Fuck this, I just want to find a good company with an interesting product to work with for at least 5 years.

  • 5
    Why? You don't like preparing, interviewing and job hopping every 6 months in hope for a better place and never finding it?
  • 7
    They can pay you in exposure...
  • 1
  • 1
    If you find one that you still consider to be a good company (to work for) after a year or so, let me know, I’ll apply:)
  • 1
    What country?
  • 0
    What some interesting project? Work in Malaysia tho , you will be "WTF " every minutes Most companies in my country required software engineer to know EVERYTHING. That means who must know how to build a web app , mobile app, desktop app, embedded software, IOT, Machine Learning and have at least 5 products or software are in the market . All these just to get a job that pays you RM 3000

    Well I'm from Malaysia, the country with missing plane and missing brains.
  • 0
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