
Junior dev here. Finishing a boot camp, actively going through a few job application processes.
One of the companies has given me a tech assignment (for a Graduate Junior position, mind you) that was titled Full Stack Mid Level Challenge. It took me a week to build an app they asked and do analitycs and refactoring of the second part of the task (I only had late evenings free to dedicate to that), it was my first time doing back-end in Node (my boot camp teaches PHP) so I basically learned to do it while doing this challenge.
They asked testing and clean architecture.
I submitted the assignment (I thought I would die while doing it, exhausted, I think I was brain dead for a short perio of time, but I submitted it on time).
They got back to me and we had already have a tech interview with the Leads that had live coding at the end. Don't have feedback yet, really won't be surprised for whatever comes, it was literarly my first interview, treating it like a valuable learning experience.

But. This rant is not about this. Thsi is just to put you in my mood.

This is the !rant:

My classmate from the bootcamp is probably already hired, or will be one of these days. As a tech challenge she was asked to do FizzBuzz kata. I repeat, FizzBuzz bloody kata!
Now, I am very happy for this person, the situation is complicated and this job is extremely needed.

But, please, explain to me, HOW??? How is it possible that selection criterias vary that much?

End of rant. Thank you very much.

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    It's random, no real way to know what anyone is really looking for anymore.

    Just keep applying, hope the randomness of the universe works for you.

    Dude in my class got a job before class was done ... I didn't until 3 months later. We both ended up in good places ... but I sure wouldn't swap with him.
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    Yeah, they did you dirty. Never in my life would I spend a week doing a useless project they ask me and then still do live coding. Who shit in their head?
    This is a huge red flag for me. They dont value your time, and they dont have good application practises implemented. I once had to code a small CRUD app in a day and this was a mistake because on my trial day they wanted me to build another one of those garbage apps. I told them this makes no sense because they could also take a look at my github.

    You should watch out for an employer forcing you to do stupid things and not paying you a dime.
    You told em you are familiar with PHP. Why in the hell are they forcing you to do node? Are they not listening or are they just stupid?
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    I dont think this is normal. You should really think if you want to work where they do such gatekeeping like excluding perfectly proficient PHP devs.
    I think these companies want to trick you into taking them because you already invested so much time and effort its difficult to say no.
    I dont think this is a normal procedure especially not for an entry level position. This is just pure asshole to the applicant.
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