You know what I hate? Websites that run so much scripted internet-connected shit in the background that you'll either get a fat error message or even a "failed to load site" screen from the browser if you lose the connection for a few seconds.

What's the motherfucking point of a website when its requirements make it effectively a livestreaming service, despite the content being less dynamic than Zuckerberg's face in US congress?

I don't give a shit whether I have internet when I'm fucking reading, you asshats. And you don't need to remind me when my internet connection is disrupted, I think I'll notice that by myself the next time I click on something and your garbage site will take more than the usual 5 seconds to fucking load the background color.

  • 0
    Come and join the Gopher and Gemini enthusiasts!
  • 4
    But, tELeMetRy
  • 0
    It's ridiculous for some of the sites I visit. Even better when I HAVE to turn off Intelligent Tracking Prevention in Safari to get a damn survey to load.
  • 5
    "less dynamic than Zuckerberg's face in US congress" is a great line btw
  • 0
    Disable scripts.

    Oh wait now it won't fucking load cuz fuck you thats why
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