stateless design is another part of programming or web development i haven't quite been able to grasp fully, I understand what it is and its capabilities but I cant seem to.... say "hey to implement stateless design on project xyz that is an actual project will real life usage, this is how to go about it" it's easy to build any web app like a story or like a building, from the ground up and roof, but what about a webapp that has really unpredictable data and is very fluid that the ui just moves around and adapts to whatever data is thrown at it, as long as the data makes sense and is applicable to be situation on ground, you can't just build such a ui from the ground up from a template, you'll end up with a lot of if elses until the code is bloated and probably unreadable,

there has to be common sense in what I'm trying to say, maybe I'm not using the right words

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