  • 3
    "Common meme of the decade" award winner.
  • 1
    True xD
  • 6
    "Brought to you by the makers of Chrome"
  • 2
    Not only ram but a whole fucking cpu also it takes.
  • 4
    @acerspyro Proudly brought to you by the 2016 Customer Review award winning company Google
  • 4
    Unrelated, but my friends call me Ram, and I had read the caption before the image fully loaded... Suffice to say, I was confused. 😅
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    @CozyPlanes see ya 😭
  • 2
    I don't see why people always complain about resource usage. I would rather have it used to the maximum because that's why they exist. I don't buy 16GB of RAM expecting the system to use a maximum of 8. Use everything if that makes things faster. Otherwise it's just wasted money.
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