
Me: purchases Amazon Fire stick TV

Amazon: thank you for your purchase, we recommend buying a Fire stick TV Lite.

Me: so, you want me to buy the cheaper model of the item I just bought?

Amazon: hell yea, it'll go nicely with your current Fire Stick TV and offer even less functionality,

  • 4
    rEcoMmEndAtiOn eNgiNeS amirite
  • 6
    Amazon: world leader in AI
    Also Amazon: has the most broken recommendation engine ever
  • 1
    Their broken AI just created free visibility and brand recognition
  • 3
    I will never understand their Prime Video UI/UX. Just look at what netflix does and copy it. You are the most powerful company in the world right now, it can't be that hard.
  • 2
    Also Amazon Prime video:
    Showing me a trailer of a movie that is not yet available (but will be soon).
    I say: ok, looks nice, add it to the watch list.
    Then, every day, amazon keeps showing that trailer to me. What do you want Amazon? I already have it in the watchlist. There is nothing more that I can do. There is no point in showing me that trailer again.
    Then the movie becomes available and I watch it.
    Amazon still keeps showing me that same trailer every day.
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