SQL = Es Cruel
SQL = Sea Cruel ??

  • 5
    SQL.. there’s no R in it.
  • 14
    Squirrel 🐿️
  • 12
    Structured Query Language

    Es queue el
  • 5
    I don’t know…pretty sure if cruel isn’t in it, it’s just an oversight.
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    @C0D4 chill man... Its Sunday 😂
  • 2
    @C0D4 I knew it was Spanish all along.

    You must be half way through your Monday nigga, ain't you?
  • 3
    @Floydimus fuck, my Monday starts in T-2 minutes 😢
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    @molaram I think she deleted it.
  • 1
    Sorry @molaram

    I truly thought about my comment and deleted it out of courtesy for OP.

    I'll take the frozen tears please.
    Just pour them in the basement aside my enemies opinions toilet rolls. Thanks.

    Took a screeencap though. Was impressed myself.
    So one day, @molaram, we might exchange them via NFT like they do with Yu-Gi-Oh cards.

    Looking forward to more rants of this scale.

    Humbled yours
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    @C0D4 guessed right ;)
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    Pronounciation doesn't matter
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    https://devrant.com/rants/4486908/... idk, maybe one of the people here got it right 😝
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    Post gress kew ell

    Always nice to have flavoured sequel.
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    @irene Postgres is pretty nice. Only other one I've tried is SQLite.
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    @marquiskurt We use an ORM for most things. So whether it is em ess kewell, orackle sequel server, or whatever ess kew ell it doesn’t make much difference to me outside of deployment options.
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    Do agree on the scolding. Was going greedy on those ever so sweet salty tears, like a noob vampire.

    It had been years, scavenging the plains of failure with the council of seniors on the hunt for beginners' imposture.

    Once settled, I discovered the contempt of observation, when influencers choke on their plastic merchandise but starve, defunct to bake a potato.
    Watching them in their vicious cycle, promoting the posh, empowering the weak, imposing havoc on the healthy.
    Occasionally chucking petrol into the dumpster fire is what lifts up the heart.

    So here you go, fellow @molaram.
    The scriptures shall be unveiled once again :

  • 0
    @scor what are you talking about?

    > Once settled, I discovered the contempt of observation, when influencers choke on their plastic merchandise but starve, defunct to bake a potato.

    > Watching them in their vicious cycle, promoting the posh, empowering the weak, imposing havoc on the healthy.

    > Occasionally chucking petrol into the dumpster fire is what lifts up the heart.
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