
Why the hell do I have to keep showing everyone on my team how to use git. Learn it God dammit!!! Is not that hard. How come you freak out on a simple conflict? Why don't you delete your fucking merged branches?

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    I had just decided my next rant would be about git - and you pretty-much just covered it.

    I mean, I'll admit I was a little slow to embrace it myself ("I can do anything in rcs... eventually... sort-of...") - Now I live in git every day. Unfortunately, many others I work with still see it as black magic.
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    at least your team uses it... 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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    @cdrice yes people are just afraid to learn new things or just don't give a fuck and just wait for others to pick up their shit for them.
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    @vhoyer yeah in other projects I'm still stuck with SVN. 🤢
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    @licheca sadly I'm stuck with guys who uses Dropbox....
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