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  • 3
    Cloudflare pages basically never work for me — probably because I block cloudflare for being shady. :)
  • 4
    So you were not trying to DDOS attack their website from your browser?
  • 4
    Google: a load time of 0.001 extra seconds sends away 99% of your search traffic and kills a random puppy somewhere in the world.

    Cloudflare: *slams down cup of rum, slurring words* y.yoknow what'd.. what would be gOOD? Letzsz put a fuckin TIMER on the.e webPage.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm you do realize this is the website's decision to use this feature, right?
  • 0
    @datablitz7 Yes of course, as long as you realize it was Cloudflare's decision to offer it!
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