
Programming an app for a friend = inevitable feature creep, unrealistic expectations and insane time frames. How do you guys deal with developing for non devs? It's like talking to a brick wall 😔

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    The first problem is they think they want an app and most of the time it is not true.

    They just want to be flappy bird.
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    I face the same issue
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    Never do work for friends, or get friends to do work with you. It will never be taken as seriously as you want it to be.
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    @thatgerhard I think that's definitely the lesson I've taken away from this whole thing.
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    I guess Im lucky, my friend just said: whatever it costs and no hurry!
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    Once asked to put a button that "presses" other button
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    Me and a bunch of friends do lans from time to time.. (me being the only one knowing more than double-clicking an exe)

    I was crazy enough to say i would make a basic game for us, just for the funs. It's a nightmare to build something w/ 5 different point of views of how shit should be.😂
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