
Is it a crime to have Visual Studio Code installed on a linux machine ?

  • 6
    Yes, you'll burn in hell for this!!
  • 4
    It's like taking a dump on the hood of a vintage porsche boxster and shoving a potato up its exhaust.
  • 1
    I don't know why this could be a crime, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask 😂
  • 5
    It feels like it at first :)
    But after a while it feels like you are making world peace by accepting all the people of the world in to your heart.
  • 5
    It's worse than a crime; it's blasphemy, apostasy, heresy and fornicating with the devil! And then some!

    Thus, I love it. It's a bit like running Windows on a Mac just to see hipsters go ballistic.
  • 1
    I dont't thought so many people would comment on this rant
  • 0
    @WhoCode said on a comment to make us answer to it and thus increase the overall comments. No, I won't do it! I refuse. I won't comment!

    Oh, wait.
  • 2
    *purging intensifies* taste my bolter heretic
  • 2
    No; it's free software 😛
  • 1
    Visual studio is the best IDE and VS Code and Atom are in my opinion the best editors on linux
  • 5
    Naw it is awesome and open-source
  • 2
    Its a good ide, linux is a good kernel, I don't see any issue here.
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