Lua rocks.

You know what also rocks?


Imagine python if python minus the bad parts.

  • 15
    Python - Bad Parts = Blank File
  • 2
  • 3
    I fancy a world without Python at all.
  • 2
    You got me at script.
  • 2
    I don't understand the concept of Lua. The lack of type safety would put it in the category of compile targets from a type safe language, similarly to ASM or Javascript. It also makes it a horrible choice for configuration, because to organise a solution from prebuilt parts painlessly you need errors when you plug a square into a round hole, before you would try to drive that connection. The only goal that benefits from lack of tyoe safety is prototyping or throwaway calculations, but a good prototyping language also has convenient syntax and a huge STL, like Python.
  • 2
    The lapis web framework looks cool but the setup never worked for me, so I couldn't really try
  • 2
    I want to be a Moonscript dev...just so I can describe myself as such.
  • 1
    Why use Moonscript when you have F#? 🤔
  • 1
    Nginx + lua = openresty
  • 3
    @homo-lorens Lua is intentionally tiny and minimal, relatively, because its main use (that it was designed for anyway) is being a quick, easy, low overhead embeddable scripting language for C/C++. It's way easier than embedding Python or JS in my exp. Great for when you need to host some scripting functionality in complex C/C++ software, like in a game engine (not wrapping up C/C++ to be called from another language, but hosting the interpreter as part of the C/C++ application).
  • 0
    I only use Lua to program computers in minecraft
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    @RememberMe is there any good books on embedding Lua into C/C++?
  • 0
    And what are the good parts of Python, pray tell?
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