
How many prefer back end development over front end or vice-versa and why?

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    front end because nothing else makes sense (i need visual aids goddammit)
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    i hate front end because i suck at appearances, and love backend because i love logic and designing how something works
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    @lisper we are eternal enemies, we may have met in a past life
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    @tommy ahahaha 😂
    yes maybe
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    It really depends on the project, on my recent projects the backend has been far more interesting (B2B frontends tend to be dull as f--k)

    On consumer facing products the frontend is almost always fun to work on while the backends can be anything from awesome to so simple that even a drunk monkey could write them.
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    Definitely prefer backend... I'm terrible with design stuff. Even if you give me a PSD of the design or some such, I'll find a way to screw it up.
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    @ghost1227 front ends are not designers, i got no interest in designing from scratch, throw that PSD my way LOL
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    @tommy I've been trying to learn for ages... Just always fine it a constant struggle.
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    I like backend better because imho it's easier to debug and I love working with Java and databases
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    @ghost1227 same,
    no frameworks yet
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    I love backend work. It's testable, rational and fun.

    I hate frontend because it just takes so much time to do the last finish, and Everyone has an opinion about frontend. Opinions in backend must be rationalized, "it just looks better" makes no sense.
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    Nah back end for sure, although I do front-end as well (because I'm a stickler for UX and I haven't met anybody that gives a shit about that sort of thing). I spent the greater part of a week working on a couple of back end libraries and I must say it was time well spent :-)
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    I like both but i prefer backend type of development.
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    Backend is love, backend is life.
    When you get to UI, you really need some sense of design, which I lack considerably. Backend is pure code.
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