
Had a PHP test for a job application yesterday. The test contains nearly 20 questions, most are 2 points. I had to write the answer into a word file and cannot use search engine. I thought I did okay because most of the questions were asking like 'what is php', 'what is isset', etc. which I could answer all of them and pretty confident that I answered correctly but the recruiter contacted back today that I failed...:(

It's my first time applying for a programing job after been working in the field for almost 3 years. Feel so bad.. Feel so unqualified 😥😥

  • 8
    Programming skill
    And interview passing skill
    Are two totally not related, entirely different skills not connected in any way
  • 2
    Did the say if you failed the test or the interview?

    Or was it that you was saved from a moron company?

    Sure a test can be a good thing but the way you describe it it sounds very strange, more like a school test than a recruitment test.
  • 2
    @Voxera They said I failed the test and yes I found the test strange as well, it indeed exactly like a school test that you fill out the given blank lines with your answers.
  • 2
    Consider yourself lucky. Probably dodged a shitty workplace.
  • 2
    you dodged a bullet buddy... word document?!
  • 1
    You wanna look into the version history of that word document. It's probably been kicking around for years.
  • 0
    I can see its a shitty job, glad u didnt make it
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