
I feel like I am not good enough to work at my job? Any advice?

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    What input has your supervisor given you about your work? If he hasn't given any input, have you asked? How long have you been working there?
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    Have you ever heard about the Impostor Syndrome? That's a good read: https://medium.com/@aliciatweet/....
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    @theredcameron I just started last week. I feel nervous about everything though
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    @xociety is this your first dev job?
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    @PauloSalgado I have. I guess I am experiencing that. Its my first dev job.
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    @theredcameron Yeah. Like actual one. I had a front End job but this is different, I am doing C# , SQL, CSS etc. Haven't got used to things.
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    @xociety Since it's only your first week I'd say just give it more time. Its normal to feel this way when you first get to a new place. If you still feel unsure about your progress after a couple months working there, ask for feedback from your supervisor or mentor if you have one.
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    @theredcameron Yeah he helps me out a lot so far. I just don't wanna feel like a burden.
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    Dollar to donuts, your manager has been exactly where you are right now in your career and felt exactly the same way. In one way or another, we all have. The sign of a good technichal manager is that they accept that and help you to grow as a developer. As long as you show initiative and a willingness to learn you'll get along fine 😁
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    @moars42 omg thanks for this!!
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    You might be right. You might not be that good right now but keep at it. They invested in you already and want you to succeed. When I first started I was working weekends to keep up and make it look like I had decent output. It helped and I eventually got promoted.
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