The way to world peace is through the stomach

Eat the rich

  • 4
    So that we don’t have anyone left to employ people. We’ll all be equally unemployed. Great plan 👌
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    @just8littleBit nah we simply find a ore equitable economic system and wash away centuries of corruption that led to the present population of garbage if said population that you are a part of allows it
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    @just8littleBit your logic implies all money is not artificial to begin with and we need people who historically treat the world like their own cattle pasture and rape and abuse and mistreat others and also that they are somehow not dirty fucked up louses because they have money
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    @just8littleBit when historically the richest people are the same as the most degraded poor people except with broader vocabularies and nicer clothing lol

    These points made adequately the likely ban doesn’t matter to me lol
  • 2
    @just8littleBit if everyone keeps working like they did, everything is still produced for the people to use. The only differences are that if money doesn't decide what's important, what does; and how do you divide the produced goods. Do we really need rich people to compensate us for increasing their wealth (=power) to have a functioning society.
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    @electrineer bingo
    We need a better system that yes still motivates people in ACCEPTABLE ways but that compensated for the failures of our current one
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    @electrineer and factories don’t disappear overnight
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    Sorry that lark only works on social networks full of teenagers who don’t understand basic economics. Isn’t as effective in the real world.
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    First, have you heard of pathocracy?

    Second, the elimination of pathocracy would still require the elimination of human want, or utopia, otherwise we would still have conflict. Worse, pathological political systems tend to be much more amicable and rational about self preservation. I doubt MAD would work if any of the leaders involved were not cold blooded snakes. The only way MAD works is when all leaders involved prioritize self-preservation over *all* other concerns.
  • 3
    @MadMadMadMrMim "wash away centuries of corruption"

    Too bad corruption isn't an economic system problem. It's a human problem. Trying to fix corruption with different rules is like trying to get rid of crime by making it illegal.
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    @deadlyRants yes but capitalism is feudalism and serfdom, unless there is constant growth and startup costs are cheap and loopholes are closed.

    so its been the same problem and the same thing enabling it.

    corruption is caused by lust for power and personal greed which always starts with someone not having enough or not being happy with enough.
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    case in point my government would rather let innocent people suffer to be stuffed into a repeating loop just to drag more people into the same repeating loop and make us all manageable robots unless we are still young enough and fit the right characteristics to not be stuck in a constant loop or simply stay put.

    though i'm not sure if a person just stays put how that would work.

    certainly this area has been hollowed out and people from the filthy shit stain of the western usa have been moved here.
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