Client : Can you make some adblock?
Me : Why? There is a lot of good things already...
C : I mean... Listen carefully.
M : ok
C: i have some google ads and user blocks with adblock
M : yeah, that is normal
C : so i implemented adblock blocker which blocks adblock so that i can show the webpage plus ads when the user disables adblock.
M : i bet users hate that.
C : yeah, so users found out a way to disable adblock blocker which disables adblock blocker which i implemented to show the ads! So i cant earn revenue..
M : so what?
C : Can you make ad block block block block?
M : Sure. How much will you give me ?
C : 20 to 30 dollars
M : great ( the most generous client ever seen)

*couple of years later*

Client : can you make ad block block block block block block block block block block?
Me : i cant understand
C : count the number of block
If there is odd number of block i means to block ads.
If there is even number of block ads, it means to show ads making user to disable ads.
M : so just tldr your request this time
C : even number
M : ok how much will you pay
C : 20 to 30 dollars

*next day*
C : can you..
M : offline

Who in the fucking world made ads, made adblock and made adblock block?

  • 24
    Lmao! Ad block block block block block block block block.... were u listening carefully?
  • 39
    Even if I'm someone who owns a site that earns revenue with ads I understand why people block them.

    The problem is not the ad itself if it doesn't annoy the user constantly.

    The main problem started when many site owners started to bloat their webpages with pop ups and auto playing ads that made the users install adblock. Their greed made us all lose money.
  • 6
    @Kalvin and those tw*** try to prevent us from visiting their websites if we have adblock on.
    Such a pain, i mean yeah we don't bring ad revenue but there is still traffic and depending on the website potential purchase.
    I personnaly decided to boycott alltogether the websites that forces me to deactive adblock, they don't deserve my money.
  • 7
    Thanks everyone for reading!
    I don't know why but I worked with some android apps so what I see is not ADblock, but ADB lock, which I say android debug bridge lock (doesn't exist). Well... Enjoy your time in devRant and have a happy day as a dev or designer or as a normal person walking by. xD
  • 6
    OnClick ads are fucking horrible. Curses to who ever came up with that idea.
  • 8
    Ads were fine until audio ads, hover-to-play ads, animated flashy ads, and pop-up ads became things. I disable my adblocker only on sites that use good old-fashioned unobtrusive static image ads that don't impact performance.

    Big shoutout to StackOverflow and Reddit for doing amazing jobs of this.
  • 2
    @fariz even number or odd number?
  • 2
    AdBlock Blocker are illegal in Europe, at least some funny guy in the EU government said that
  • 2
    @SteffTek then i guess adblock blocker blocker blocker is not illegal then...
  • 2
    @CozyPlanes hmm I think not 😂
  • 1
    R U kiddin' ? 20-30$ for ad (block)? Thought you tell him at least 200$ XD
  • 2
    @OrestH my friend's friend works adblock related stuff so...
  • 3
    Sounds like the lyrics of the next Rihana song
  • 1
    @CozyPlanes was that even? xD
  • 1
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