
What interesting projects have you guys worked on as a junior/entry level engineer? I mostly do bug fix and enhancements😕

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    Welcome to your job.
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    thanks. its been a while and now i work on bigger bug fixes and enhancements
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    Copy and pasted code from stackoverflow to run on hardware on the International Space Station.
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    Bug fixes and enhancements are often harder than a new feature (but less risky from a management point of view)
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    In my first project on my first real job I coded the plcs and hmi for a scada with 50+ plcs. Then spent a year fixing the hmi system somebody else configured.
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    Who are you? And why are you stealing my identity?
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    Hmm Ive worked in a lot of projects, some of them I made from the zero. I was intern in two companies, in the second one I made two "small" apps alone. In the next company, as junior I was a team lead hehe as junior...
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    First time hearing about plc and hmi.
    we learn something everyday😅
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    By the way, how many bug fixes to farm enough XP to ascend to a senior dev🤔
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    @brown Industrial controls. PLC: think computer with very specific programming language (logic based). Does things deterministically.

    HMI is just front end.
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    Hmmm, nothing particularly interesting per se, but I’ve been thrown around to do all kinds of projects mostly solo, and they’ve definitely been good learning experiences… next up: infastructure into code, a proper staging env for one of our product and a big cloud infra modernization/optimization project.
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    I like my first job very much.
    Create from zero...
    ...microserviced three backend APIs(learned from zero what Rest APIs, web framework, and programming language for that)
    For user auth, payments, web scrapping.

    And code infrastructure for all of it too (learned from zero devops too)

    This is sort of fun. One man for everything.

    All is left to try learning frontend, but as plans it would be delegated to another person. (Shrugs, may be I would be fast enough to learn frontend from zero too? A bit too much of learning goals in first two fields though)
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