What if we're all expanding with the universe but no one notices cause we all scale up together?

  • 2
    Locally, gravitational and electromagnetic forces dominate over expansion and hold us together.
  • 6
    This explains how humanity made progress in the nano technology field, they just made things the same size as before but they see it smaller !!
  • 1
    @jlave215 what if gravitational and electromagnetic forces are becoming weaker, lool
  • 2
    @codeBoy Experimentally that doesn't seem to be the case
  • 2
    If everything in the universe expands at the same ratio, then nothing "truly expands", right? There is no way of measuring expansion if not relatively to a non or differently expanding entity.
  • 0
    ... and since perception is reality, then nothing would expand.
  • 4
    ... I should go back to work.
  • 0
  • 2
    The rant that kept me thinking all night
  • 0

    Oh, someone gets it! Nice.
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