Coding without listening to music, is like drinking a tea without sugar!

  • 13
    Dude, what kind of a monster put sugar in tea? (Well unless it's a `Holdrio`, but then it also has some booze in it...)

    Anyways: music && coding = love
  • 8
    Sugar in tea... Ew! But then, tea... Ew! Coding plus music == best thing
  • 3
    I really dislike the taste of sugar
  • 2
    I mostly prefer perfect silence, but that's 'cos I am old... and cafe au lait with sweeteners.
  • 4
    Well I also like my tea without sugar but
    if(Dubstep2hours + coding == thebest){++ post}
  • 1
    @Mitiko personal opinion here. But i really dislike dupstep. Just sounds like a bunch of random noise. One of my fav songs right now: https://youtu.be/CwZ9ItJy_Es
  • 1
    Its like sex without orgasm
  • 2
    @helloworld I'm the only one in my age i know that likes really strong black coffee. (14 yo)
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  • 1
    I always realise I haven't been listening to music when I call it off for the day at 2am because I was up in that bitch and everything went quite smooth
  • 2
  • 5
    What?! I code listening to music, but sugar in tea? Seriously... why???
  • 3
    Does this mean you're doing it right because no man should be putting sugar in tea?

    <sidenote>you said tea, not coffee. Does this mean you despise coffee as I do?</sidenote>
  • 1
    I don't put sugar in my tea nor my coffee :) but I love coding
  • 1
  • 2
    I think that maybe it's personal preference, but most of the time I prefer silence so I can concentrate better, specially if the problem is hard. When it's "easy" or I know the logic and just have to write the code, then I listen to music.
  • 2
    Tee in sugar eww. Coding without music? Ewwww
  • 1
    Turn on live stream of Chillhop music on YouTube and code my brains out! True bliss!
  • 2
    @OutdatedPC i have my playlist with 1.7k songs. I think I'm good :)
  • 1
    Guess I'm a freak, can never get into the zone when I hear music.
  • 2
    I like sugar in hot tea, but for some reason it's a gagfest in cold tea.

    As for music, I love those insanely extended tracks you can find on YouTube for when I'm coding. It gives me a nice ambient track to help with mood, and doesn't change enough to cause breaks in concentration... Something like the extended version of 'Crystalline Chill' from FFXV.
  • 1
    I listen to gachimuchi music while I code... Is that weird?
  • 0
    With you on this one. That's why we came up with Programmer's Music - https://promusic.tech/2lHeMzA.

    Listen to curated, non-vocal and distraction-free music playlists to increase your productivity and focus while coding/programming. Purely instrumental music from more than 8 genres along with Pomodoro time management technique that gets you in the zone. More genres and tracks coming soon. Listen, focus and enjoy!

    Let us know what you think about the product.

  • 1
    @tanmaydesai89 how do you have an avatar with 0 votes?
  • 0
  • 1
    @Dacexi I don't have one. Need 10 points for that. If it's showing you an avatar, it's a bug probably.
  • 0
    Something @devRant team can rant about!
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