
Got this error while searching on youtube. Well done, google guys 😅

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    If it is base64 I wonder what it says once decoded
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    @AlgoRythm it's not base64. I got the same error and that was the first thought I had, but it doesn't begin with the typical base64 start pattern, but I put it into a base64 decoder just in case and came up empty. I assume it's an encrypted representation of some useful data for devs, but potential security risk if it weren't encrypted...
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    @Bikonja I mean i got the error too
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    @AlgoRythm yeah, that was a poor choice of mention, not sure why I didn't just click comment instead of reply... Although I did think you were talking about wondering :)
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    I reckon it's a stack trace but because it contains internal code is encrypted.
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    I got 2 of those earlier...
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    You know you're multi-billion when your company got monkeys to fix your fuck ups and you have humans that take naps during work hours in sleeping pods.
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    That block of text is essentially just for the lolz. It is always the same when yt is down. Also, the Belgian datacenter seemed to have some issues. It's been fried by lighting before, but there wasn't a storm here yesterday
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    @epse it's not the same every time. I got that error several times in a row yesterday and the text clearly changed. Just how a base64 encoded info would change. Of course, that doesn't mean it's not there for the lolz, but it does change so we can't know if it's encrypted or just random. I'd say encrypted because of the results I've seen, but even more so because I doubt they'd implement that for the lulz instead of an actual useful feature when they can really use it there.
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    @Bikonja huh, it was the same for me. Personally, I don't think debug info in error pages is useful, just an attack vector. Everything is in private logs as well. And they've gone through the effort of adding the monkey and text already, you can pretty much expect anything out of Google at this point
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    It's probably just protobuf, encrypted in some way. That's what Google uses.
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